The Process

Progress started by redefining the SJFT identity: our strategy pushed us to capture an essence that is inspiring and accessible. The SJFT knew that one of the most daunting obstacles for their audience was the onboarding process and point of entry, so it was key to create a warm environment where users felt safe. After presenting and refining moodboards, I used preliminary web comps to create fuller contextual expressions of how the new identity could come together. These comps pushed us faster towards refining the new brand, and kept us focused on the next phase when we’d bring the brand to life digitally.

After stakeholders greenlit the new visual identity, my attention turned to web wireframes and improving the online user experience. Here, I iterated through the digital patient experience using Figma prototypes with testers and the SJFT marketing team. Finally, I colored in the approved experience using the newly-developed visual identity.

SJFT mobile views

UX Challenges

Following the brand’s visual evolution, SJFT’s new obstacle became inspiring and welcoming users through its website, while revealing SJFT’s credibility and experience. I outlined three pillars which defined how we’d approach all UX decisions: improved onboarding, discoverability, and find-ability.

To improve user onboarding, we clarified SJFT’s first steps for new patients in a new “Get Started” hub. This became our primary call to action, and other digital collateral – such as videos and resources – also called back to this hub.

I tackled discoverability and find-ability in tandem, first by defining each. Discoverability was defined as the impact of surfacing new information and resources which are connected to the user’s current journey. “Every crumb on the page should drive users inward” became our mantra. Find-ability, then, was defined as the ease at which users could find the information and resources they were searching for. A new hub for resources was developed, and an Insights module showed SJFT’s expertise and funneled users to answers. Resources were surfaced in a new mega-menu, which is easy to navigate even in mobile views. Each menu option became another opportunity to reveal more of SJFT’s abilities. All throughout the site, related information is surfaced for users: stats and call-outs lead to fuller articles; testimonials dot most pages and lead to success stories; even the team’s bio pages connect to events and articles that team member relates to.

Ultimately, improving these three pillars told a better story of who SJFT is, and dramatically improved the journey users took while engaging with the site.

SJFT mobile menu


While the new brand color palette is inviting, it toes the line of “playful.” To balance this feeling, I introduced shades of ivory as a natural backing color in place of white. This injects some maturity and sophistication back into a color palette that could otherwise be mistaken as a pediatrician’s office.